"Shark Tank" is an American reality television series that first premiered on ABC in 2009. The show features aspiring entrepreneurs who pitch their business ideas and products to a panel of investors, known as "sharks," in hopes of securing investment funding in exchange for equity in their companies. The panel of sharks consists of successful entrepreneurs, investors, and business moguls, each with their own expertise and experience in various industries. Some of the regular sharks on the show include Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O'Leary, Lori Greiner, Daymond John, and Robert Herjavec, among others. Entrepreneurs have a limited time to pitch their business ideas to the sharks, often using props, demonstrations, or samples to showcase their products or concepts. After the pitch, the sharks have the opportunity to ask questions and negotiate with the entrepreneurs before deciding whether to invest in their businesses. "Shark Tank" has become a popular and influential platform for entrepreneurs seeking investment capital and exposure for their businesses. The show has helped launch numerous successful companies and products, and it has inspired aspiring entrepreneurs around the world to pursue their own business ventures. In addition to providing entertainment value, "Shark Tank" offers valuable insights into the world of entrepreneurship and venture capital, showcasing the challenges and opportunities faced by aspiring business owners as they seek to turn their dreams into reality. The show's format also offers viewers a glimpse into the decision-making process of investors and the dynamics of negotiation and deal-making in the business world. Overall, "Shark Tank" has had a significant impact on popular culture and the entrepreneurial landscape, inspiring innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship while providing entertainment and education to millions of viewers worldwide.
Kevin O'Leary, an American entrepreneur and star of the Shark Tank show, said that cryptocurrencies now account for 10% of his investment portfolio.