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WhatsApp users will be able to send BTC and LTC using a special bot

WhatsApp-users-will-be-able-to-send-BTC-and-LTC WhatsApp users will be able to send BTC and LTC using a special bot

The company Zulu Republic announced the launch of a new bot in the popular WhatsApp messenger, through which users can send and receive BTC and LTC.

The bot in the messenger works with the Lite.IM cryptocurrency platform and allows you to receive and send cryptocurrency, view transactions in the wallet, make settings and export the wallet.

Bitrefill added the ability to pay for housing on Airbnb in cryptocurrency

Bitrefill-pay-for-housing-on-Airbnb-in-cryptocurrency Bitrefill added the ability to pay for housing on Airbnb in cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency startup Bitrefill has added a service that allows users to pay their rent through the Airbnb service with five cryptocurrencies.

The Swedish company announced the innovations on its Twitter account, saying that customers can now pay for Airbnb gift cards at BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE and DASH. However, currently Airbnb gift cards can only be redeemed by US residents.

Charlie Lee criticizes Bitcoin Cash for trying to be called "real" bitcoin


October 17, Bitcoin.com published a contradictory statement, which stated that it was Bitcoin Cash that should be called bitcoin. In response, leading industry experts, including the maker of lightcore, Charlie Lee (Charlie Lee), criticized such attempts. Bitcoin Cash was launched in early August from hard fork bitcoin, which supported several major mining pools, including ViaBTC and Bitmain. Since then, the support and demand for Bitcoin Cash has decreased significantly, which is noticeable in terms of the hash and market capitalization of the crypto currency.

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