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Bitrefill added the ability to pay for housing on Airbnb in cryptocurrency

Bitrefill-pay-for-housing-on-Airbnb-in-cryptocurrency Bitrefill added the ability to pay for housing on Airbnb in cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency startup Bitrefill has added a service that allows users to pay their rent through the Airbnb service with five cryptocurrencies.

The Swedish company announced the innovations on its Twitter account, saying that customers can now pay for Airbnb gift cards at BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE and DASH. However, currently Airbnb gift cards can only be redeemed by US residents.

In addition, according to the company, Airbnb gift cards can only be used for reservations of less than 28 nights, and customers can purchase cards in US dollars of 25, 50 and 100 dollars. Bitrefill, which also provides mobile phone top-up services via cryptocurrency, said that the Airbnb offer is a voucher product and that the company will provide users with a voucher code and instructions for using it.

Last week, the company also announced support for cryptocurrency to pay for Netflix subscriptions with the same five cryptocurrencies. The company also offers gift cards for paying for travel services, games, IP telephony and many other services, depending on the location of the user.

Bitrefill also became an early follower of the Lightning Network technology. In January, Bitrefill announced that it seeks to simplify payments in Bitcoin through Lightning for users using the Thor service, which allows people to transfer Lightning channels to anyone without having to install them on the recipient side.

The first transaction through LN in the main Bitcoin network was performed by Bitrefill developer Alex Bosworth. In his microblogging specialist noted that "the speed was lightning, and the commission at the same time - zero." 


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