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President of Coinbase: Institutional investors should tune in for the long term

ICO-NEWS-President-of-Coinbase-Asiff-Hirji Asiff Hirji | President of Coinbase

President and Chief Operating Officer of Coinbase Asiff Hirji said that institutional investors who have short-term goals, it is better not to touch cryptocurrency.

During his speech on CNBC, Hirji stressed that his company warned investors to be cautious during the period of explosive growth of Bitcoin back in 2017, but many cryptocurrency enthusiasts did not heed the warning.

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Top Korean Enterprises Accelerate the Blockchain of Korea CHAIN PLUS+ Blockchain Summit Seoul

PRESS-RELEASE-CHAIN-PLUS-Blockchain-Summit-Seoul Top Korean Enterprises Accelerate the Blockchain

Korea, with its 50 million population, is one of the most active market in terms of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency industry as well as investment in the world. Continuing the nationwide investment fever in cryptocurrency, top-ranked Korean enterprises from various industries intend to accelerate the Blockchain market in Korea. No.1 social network platform Kakaotalk invested in Upbit and established the Kakao Blockchain Lab; Game industry giant Nexon took ever a digital exchange Korbit; Samsung launched a Blockchain platform, Nexledger. Korea's giant economic & financial media Group MTN (Money Today Network Inc.) also turns to Blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, planning to co-organize an international Blockchain summit "CHAIN PLUS+" during 23-24 January in 2019.

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Joseph Lubin: "the cryptocurrency market has already reached the bottom"

ICO-NEWS-the-cryptocurrency-market-has--reached-the-bottom Joseph Lubin | Co-founder of Ethereum

The head of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum Joseph Lubin announced that the current state of the market will not deteriorate, because this year he "reached its bottom", "is marked by an epic amount of fear, uncertainty, and doubt."

In addition, the head of ConsenSys assured the cryptocurrency community that, despite the recent significant reduction in staff, nothing bad happens to the company - this is just a reorganization.

"ConsenSys remains healthy and is engaging in a rebalancing of priorities and activities which started about nine months ago," said Lubin.

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Tim Draper is participating at the Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit!

Tim Draper is participating at the Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit Tim Draper - renowned American venture capitalist

Tim Draper, one of the first investors of Tesla, Skype and Hotmail, and who was requested consultancy by Donald Trump on the cryptocurrencies regulation of the American financial system, joined the main list of speakers of Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit!

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Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit

PRESS-RELEASE-Blockchain-Economy-Istanbul-Summit Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit

The most in-depth blockchain and cryptocurrency conference of the region, with the best names of the field in the international arena, will take place on February the 20thof 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The investors dealing with blockchain and cryptocurrency, engineers and professionals from Turkey, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia will be attending the international "Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit"

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Coinbase CEO urged to donate cryptocurrencies to charity

ICO-LINK-Coinbase-CEO-urged-to-donate-cryptocurrencies-to-charity Brian Armstrong | Coinbase CEO

Brian Armstrong, CEO of the American Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase, urged wealthy cryptocurrency holders to donate their assets to charitable or other purposes.

In a blog post on The Giving Pledge, a charity website created by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to encourage rich people to use their money for worthy goals, Armstrong wrote:

"Once a certain level of wealth is reached, there is little additional utility from spending more on yourself. … Whether it's through improving education, creating a more level playing field, or increasing economic freedom, I'm interested in helping more people see their ideas come to fruition in the world."

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A crypto token that passes the Howey Test is deemed a security token. These usually derive their value from an external, tradable asset. Because the tokens are deemed a security, they are subject to federal securities and regulations. If all the regulations are properly met, then these tokens have immensely powerful use-cases. Security and asset-backed tokens appear to be one of the prominent points on interest in the emerging cryptocurrency landscape. Such is the popularity of the sector that some experts predict that security tokens could become a multi trillion-dollar market within the next decade. With regulatory bodies coming down hard on initial coin offerings (ICOs), security token offerings (STO) represent a worthy alternative.

Companies like Coinbase and Nasdaq are reportedly making forays into the STO arena. STOs have the potential to overcome several of the drawbacks to ICOs, including the regulatory uncertainty. Because security tokens represent a claim to an asset, such as equity, investors have a degree of reassurance that, in the event of the project faltering, they will have legal redress. This contrasts with utility tokens, which are sold on the understanding that they may be worth nothing and that holders have zero claim to any sort of assets. We are extremely pleased to announce that we will be hosting the "World Blockchain STO Summit" in Dubai on 29-30 April 2019. bringing together the greatest world-class Blockchain Technology pioneers, STO experts, providers of solutions which will resonate with everyone that attend in order to allow them to explore first-hand the many potential of security token offerings through the uses of Blockchain technology. The Summit will help attendees understand this innovative concept, and to bring projects in this space to mainstream. 

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Trace Mayer’s “Proof of Keys” plan is gaining popularity

ICO-BLOG-Proof-of-Keys-plan-is-gaining-popularity “Proof of Keys” plan is gaining popularity

The campaign of the cryptocurrency investor and entrepreneur Trace Mayer, who proposed to withdraw Bitcoins from third-party wallets to private ones, is gaining popularity.

Over the past week, hundreds of its supporters, including such well-known figures like Nick Szabo, one of the pioneers of the blockchain and smart contracts, made corresponding entries on Twitter to support the campaign, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Bitcoin.

Mayer calls on cryptocurrency owners to control their private keys again.

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Jeremy Allaire: Bitcoin has great prospects and it will definitely increase in price

ICO-LINK-Bitcoin-has-great-prospects Jeremy Allaire | Co-founder of Circle

The co-founder of the Circle cryptocurrency platform, Jeremy Allaire, on Friday gave an interview to the CNBC information portal, in which he said that Bitcoin has great prospects and that it will certainly increase in price in the future.

He was asked about what value Bitcoin would have in 3 years, to which Allaire replied that he did not want to give "significant price forecasts", but nevertheless said: "In my opinion, it will cost much more than it does now."

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Stephen Pair: “The practical value of Bitcoin will restore its price”

ICO-NEWS-practical-value-of-Bitcoin-will-restore-its-pric_20181216-090703_1 Stephen Pair | CEOr of BitPay

CEO of the cryptocurrency payment service BitPay Stephen Pair told in an interview with CNBC that the current value of Bitcoin is more related to the speculative component, and only a small part of it is of practical value. However, with his company he plans to change the situation.

"A great influence on the price is exerted by speculation, and the real practical significance of Bitcoin is only a small component of its price. BitPay focuses precisely on this issue - using the platform and providing products that will be valuable to our customers," said Pair.

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