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BabelFinance Research: Chinese investors await the Bitcoin growth

BabelFinance-Chinese-investors-await-the-Bitcoin-growth BabelFinance Research: Chinese investors await the Bitcoin growth

A survey conducted by the Chinese cryptocurrency company BabelFinance showed that local investors are waiting for the growth of Bitcoin, and according to 30% of respondents, the Bitcoin exchange rate for the year will exceed $ 30,000.

The study showed that the average Chinese cryptocurrency investor is a young, well-educated man with above-average income. More than 76.3% of male respondents have a college degree or higher.

It is reported that 51.8% of respondents are between the ages of 26 and 35, 21.9% are between 19 and 25 years old, and 22.8% are older than 36 and under 45 years old. About 70% of respondents said that their monthly income exceeds $ 1,600. At the same time, the average income of white-collar workers in the country is only $ 1,000.

The main reason for investing in cryptocurrencies (84.3% of respondents) is called confidence in the growth of Bitcoin in the future and long-term investments in the first cryptocurrency. 25.3% were attracted by high income in the short term. The same percentage considers Bitcoin to be a "safe haven", and 19.3% of respondents said they keep cryptocurrency for the collection.

There was a question about how much of the portfolio investors hold in cryptocurrencies. It turns out that 31.3% of respondents hold in Bitcoin and other coins more than half of their savings. 12% of respondents store from 41% to 50% of the portfolio in Bitcoin, and 10.8% - from 31 to 40, respectively. Real estate also plays a large role in the investment portfolios of young Chinese.

Bitcoin, which is not surprising, is the most popular among crypto assets - it is in the portfolio of 86.7% of investors. ETH (57.8%), USDT (50.6%) and EOS (41%) is also popular.

More than 30% of investors believe that the Bitcoin exchange rate will exceed $ 30,000 within a year. Almost a quarter of respondents believe that the first cryptocurrency will trade in the range from $ 15,000 to $ 20,000. 16.7% of respondents think that Bitcoin is unlikely to exceed $ 15,000. Least of all people (15.7%) believe that Bitcoin will rise to levels between $ 20,000 and $ 25,000.

Recent studies have shown that Europeans are somewhat chilled to Bitcoin. However, in Colombia, the mood is different - 80% of the citizens of this country would be happy to invest in cryptocurrencies. In addition, Turkey became the world leader in the adoption of cryptocurrencies, according to the report of the German company Statista.


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