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  • Tone Vays: to predict the growth of Bitcoin to $ 250,000 is irresponsible
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Tone Vays: to predict the growth of Bitcoin to $ 250,000 is irresponsible

Tone Vays to predict the growth of Bitcoin Tone Vays - cryptocurrency analyst

Former Wall Street trader and cryptocurrency analyst Tone Vays called Tim Draper's prediction that Bitcoin price rise to $ 250,000 by 2023 "irresponsible."

In May of this year, cryptocurrency enthusiast Tim Draper predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $ 250,000 by 2023, and the first cryptocurrency would occupy 5% of the global economy. However, according to Vays, this is an "irresponsible forecast."

In an interview with Block TV, Vays stated that the price of Bitcoin could reach $ 50,000, but not $ 250,000 in any way. He also called this prediction "clickbait attempt" and "an irresponsible statement that is not based on analysis."

Vays himself back in June announced the impending drop in bitcoin to $ 4,500. Then he confirmed his forecast at the end of November, but the rate of the first cryptocurrency pushed off support for $ 6,400 and is now in the region of $ 7,500.

Currency.com chief analyst Mikhail Karhalev also talked about the rise in the Bitcoin exchange rate to $ 170,000 after halving the award for miners, which is due to take place next spring. 

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