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  • Jack Mallers: Bitcoin will be worth $1 million already in this bull cycle
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Jack Mallers: Bitcoin will be worth $1 million already in this bull cycle

Jack Mallers Bitcoin will be worth $1 million Jack Mallers - CEO of the payment service Strike

Jack Mallers: Bitcoin's Path to a Million Dollars in the Current Bull Cycle

Bitcoin's Journey: From Speculation to Mainstream

Jack Mallers, CEO of the payment service Strike, forecasts a monumental rise for Bitcoin, projecting it could reach $1 million during the ongoing bull market. During a podcast with Anthony Pompliano of Pomp Investments, Mallers detailed his bold predictions and offered compelling arguments for Bitcoin's potential ascent.

The Bond Market and Central Banks' Liquidity Injection

Mallers highlights the current challenges in the bond market, suggesting central banks might inject significant liquidity to stabilize the financial system. This anticipated liquidity influx, according to Mallers, will spur asset growth, including Bitcoin. He emphasizes Bitcoin's early development stage, indicating substantial growth potential as it gains traction.

Bitcoin's Limited Supply: An Inflation Shield

Despite some experts labeling Bitcoin as speculative or a bubble, Mallers counters these claims by pointing to Bitcoin's increasing acceptance among Wall Street giants. He underscores Bitcoin's fixed supply of 21 million coins as a key factor in its resistance to inflation, contrasting it with government currencies and gold.

The Hardest Form of Money: Bitcoin's Fixed Release Schedule

Mallers asserts that Bitcoin can be considered the hardest form of money due to its immutable release schedule and halving events every four years. These halvings decrease the rate of new coin issuance, enhancing Bitcoin's long-term value. He believes this intrinsic characteristic makes Bitcoin a robust hedge against inflation.

The Role of the Lightning Network in Bitcoin Adoption

The Lightning Network, a second-layer solution on the Bitcoin blockchain, plays a pivotal role in Mallers' vision. It enables instant and cost-effective transactions, significantly enhancing Bitcoin's utility for everyday purchases, such as buying coffee. Mallers is convinced that this development will drive further demand for Bitcoin.

Bitcoin vs. Traditional Payment Services

In 2022, Mallers highlighted the necessity for payment services to evolve constantly. He asserts that Bitcoin surpasses traditional money transfer networks like Western Union, offering a more efficient and modern alternative. According to Mallers, Bitcoin's technological advancements position it as a superior option for global transactions.


Jack Mallers' forecast of Bitcoin reaching $1 million in the current bull cycle hinges on several factors: central banks' potential liquidity injections, Bitcoin's limited supply, its resistance to inflation, and the increasing adoption driven by innovations like the Lightning Network. As Bitcoin continues to gain acceptance among mainstream financial institutions, Mallers' vision of its future value appears increasingly plausible. 

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