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MinedBlock Take Centre Stage as their Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)...

PRESS-RELEASE-MinedBlock-Take-Centre-Stage MinedBlock Take Centre Stage as their Initial Exchange Offering Goes Live

In the congested and somewhat complex arena of blockchain technology lays a singularly unique company, built around the fundamental foundations from which crypto is built.

MinedBlock is a Fintech Crypto payments processor who specialise in transaction processing (mining) for crypto currencies.

MinedBlock have adopted a very concise and progressive mission statement from the offset and aim to capitalise on this through the execution of their Initial Exchange Offering (IEO). 

"Our vision is to become a major player in the cryptocurrency arena and for MinedBlock to own a significant part of the infrastructure required to process transactions and mint new crypto assets. This will enable our investors to reap a significant return on investment while we employ an aggressive growth strategy to position ourselves as the 'Amazon' of the crypto mining industry"

The firm, who pride themselves in operating with 100% transparency have just gone live (22 July) with their IEO through the P2PB2B exchange. With a current daily trading volume of over $100,000,000 the exchange is ranked in the world's top 50 by Coinmarketcap. P2PB2B is described by Cryptocompare as 'the world's fastest-growing technological exchange that provides unique conditions for investors and traders. OWASP Top 10 protection, fast KYC and instant Online Support make the platform extremely attractive to users.'

The addition of MinedBlock to p2pb2b's IEO is a strong move for the company and enhances their dual token offering in which individuals have the choice of purchasing MBTU tokens, these tokens will be the only way to pay for our private mining services. It can also be used to purchase their ST20 token MBTX.

Once MBTU is received as payment, MinedBlock will burn 10% of each transaction, 50% will be sold at market rate, equally, across all listed exchanges to ensure ongoing availability. The other 40% will be retained and distributed as rewards for long term customers.

The company's IEO has been split into 2 distinct stages, providing potential investors a brief window of opportunity to take advantage of MBTU's dwindling supply:

Stage 1:

  • 22nd July to 28th July
  • 10,000,000 MBTU Available
  • Duration 7 days
  • 25% bonus
  • $0.10 per token - $0.08 average price including bonus

Stage 2:

  • 5th August to 18th August
  • 90,000,000 MBTU available
  • Duration 14 days
  • 10% bonus
  • $0.10 per token - $0.09 average price including bonus

As the IEO token offering vessel continues to gather pace, MinedBlock are perfectly positioned to hit their funding targets. This result is likely to manifest itself not from the IEO itself but through the many unique selling points (USP's) the company has to offer.

'Our USP compared to the competition is that we plan to make ourselves fully immune from the market, prioritise our investors (over ourselves) and be 100% transparent in everything we say and do. Most other mining firms have focused on just 'out of the box' mining and not considered any form of cost reduction or alternative revenue generation such as masternodes, and this has left them unprofitable and unable to continue. Our aims go far beyond 'just being another mining company' we intend to dominate the space as quickly as possible. At this stage, there isn't really any meaningful competitor in the marketplace as the mining industry is still in its infancy.'

MinedBlock have already made a name for themselves by benchmarking several 1st's in the industry.

  • 1st mining company in the industry to be exempted by the SEC
  • 1st STO offered on the POLYMATH network
  • Highest ratings within the crypto mining industry across all the respected platforms, ICOBench, ICOmarks and Neironix
  • 1 in only 30 Crypto projects to receive an AA INWARA Transparency certificate.
  • 1st in the industry with a dual token model creating a compliant security investment model with high returns and a true 'Utility' ERC20 token adding a 'pay as you go' element to our service
  • Voted the markets leading Mining project during Newconomy's online conference "Market Challenge": Battle of the TOP 50 event

The organisations innovative approach to the 'mining' industry coupled with a clear, forward thinking strategy has ensured that MinedBlock have created a stable and sustainable business that is able to adapt to change in a constantly evolving industry and has future development plans to create renewable energy to offset their largest expense 'Electricity', allowing their model increase it's ROI's drastically.


Website: http://www.minedblock.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/MinedBlockOfficial 

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