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Mark Yusko is confident that the price of Bitcoin can reach $ 400,000

ICO-LINK-NEWS-price-of-Bitcoin-can-reach-40000_20171114-180529_1 Mark Yusko - head of Morgan Creek Capital

With what only predictions of Bitcoin prices we have not encountered lately! 

From conservative to bold and even fantastic. But what seemed unthinkable a year ago, now we already see on the charts. Some experts, for example, the representative of Boston University, Mark T. Williams, otherwise known as Professor Bitcorn, several years ago prophesied the death of the crypto currency. Others, on the contrary, believe that the main rally is yet to come. It's impossible to say with certainty which of the two camps is right, how many people, so many opinions. The cryptocurrency investor and the head of Morgan Creek Capital Management, Mark Yusko, is sure that once the price of Bitcoin reaches 400,000 US dollars.

 What is the real price of Bitcoin?

Surprisingly, but now this is one of the most difficult issues. No one will deny the value of Bitcoin, but the crypto currency has serious drawbacks, which eventually will have to be disposed of. From the point of view of speculators, Bitcoin can cost millions of dollars. In this regard, the statements of Mark Yusko that the price of the crypto currency in the long term should reach $ 400,000 is fully justified. Price forecasts always attract a lot of attention, and the bold statement of Yusko is no exception. However, given the recent developments with Bitcoin Cash and SegWit2x, a mark of $ 400,000 for BTC may turn out to be difficult to achieve in the next year's perspective. On the other hand, the last few years the price of Bitcoin has experienced strong fluctuations, but it has only become stronger from this. 

No one can deny Bitcoin has pleasantly surprised a lot of people. After the major price crash of 2014, a lot of speculators and investors assumed it would soon be game over for Bitcoin. Surprisingly, that is not what happened at all, and the Bitcoin price eventually reached an all-time high of over US$7,600 not long ago. It has been an uphill battle ever since, mind you, but the world's leading cryptocurrency has not given up by any means. Whether or not we will see a new all-time high later this year is highly debatable, though.

Yusko has explained why he made such a bold prediction at this point in time. It seems he's been coming across the name Bitcoin a lot more often since 2011, which clearly indicates the cryptocurrency is doing something right. He is also a big Bitcoin investor, although he's never clarified how many bitcoins he actually holds right now. It is evident a rising Bitcoin price would be in Yusko's best interest as well.

Bitcoin has proven to be a disruptive force which can't be ignored whatsoever. Banks and financial institutions all over the world have been attempting to discredit Bitcoin for many years now, but they are starting to display a more open mind towards the world's leading cryptocurrency these days. Bitcoin may be a bubble in the minds of some people, but the rest of the world seems to vastly disagree. Then again, no one should expect banks not to oppose Bitcoin either, as it is something that genuinely threatens their business model.

Yusko's current high level of confidence in Bitcoin is somewhat unexpected, though. He feels confident about Bitcoin's price increase mainly because the internet of money is a very real thing. He also thinks Bitcoin is as important as the internet was back in the 1990s. It is certainly true Bitcoin may be here to stay, but only time will tell whether or not that is actually the case. To be sure, most people wouldn't mind seeing a Bitcoin price of US$800,000 in the coming years.

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