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Charles Hoskinson: Vitalik Buterin did not bribe American officials

Charles Hoskinson - Vitalik Buterin did not bribe American officials Charles Hoskinson - founder of Cardano

Charles Hoskinson Addresses Rumors: Ethereum's Integrity vs. SEC Controversies

Setting the Record Straight on Ethereum and the SEC

Charles Hoskinson, a significant name in the crypto space and the founder of Cardano, has broken his silence. Recent murmurings had suggested possible underhanded dealings between Ethereum developers and U.S. officials, but Hoskinson was quick to quash these speculations.

The Origin of the Speculations

The backdrop to these rumors is rooted in a crucial speech by the Director of Corporate Finance at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), William Hinman. Back in June 2018, Hinman made the statement that ether was not to be classified as a security. This distinction is now being leveraged by Ripple in its bid to challenge the SEC's claims against XRP's classification.

A certain document related to Hinman's remarks highlighted an intriguing detail: a meeting with Ethereum's co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, merely a week prior to the statement. This gave birth to suspicions: Did the Ethereum team possibly bribe key officials?

Hoskinson Clears the Air

Having been the co-founder of Ethereum, Hoskinson's insights hold weight. He ardently emphasized that merely a meeting with Buterin does not translate to corruption or bribery. He highlighted that the crypto space is buzzing with two distinct narratives:

  1. Ethereum's Alleged Self-Protection: Some believe Ethereum leveraged their resources and connections to ensure the SEC did not target them.
  2. Claims of an Organized Conspiracy: Another theory, predominantly championed by XRP enthusiasts, posits that Ethereum might have bribed SEC officials with a specific agenda against XRP and Ripple.

Hoskinson was categorical in distinguishing between the two. He recalled his departure from Ethereum, noting that he had left four years before the said speech by Hinman. He expressed, "It's essential to differentiate between safeguarding one's interests and orchestrating a conspiracy against a competitor. There's a glaring lack of concrete evidence pointing to Ethereum's supposed bribery to target XRP."

Hoskinson's Views on the SEC's Stance

In a recent statement, the Cardano founder opined that his project wouldn't face the SEC's wrath. He believes the SEC's stringent measures against crypto entities stem more from political motivations than genuine regulatory concerns.


In the volatile and rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, rumors and speculations are rife. As prominent figures like Hoskinson step up to clarify, it emphasizes the need for a transparent dialogue between crypto entities, regulators, and the community.

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