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  • Binance launched a cryptocurrency over-the-counter trading platform
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Binance launched a cryptocurrency over-the-counter trading platform

Binance-launched-a-cryptocurrency-over-the-counter-trading-platform Binance launched a cryptocurrency over-the-counter trading platform

Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, announced the launch of its own over-the-counter trading platform (OTC), intended for trading large volumes of cryptocurrencies.

Binance representatives stressed that the new platform will not support trade in fiat funds - transactions can only be made in cryptocurrencies.

One of the advantages of the site is the ability to use Binance accounts for calculations. At the same time, a list of more than 80 cryptocurrencies will be available for users to trade.

Reported that transactions that are conducted at the site will be closed at the same price, and, in addition, they will be private, as there is no book of orders.

To use the OTC Binance platform, the client must meet two requirements - get a level 2 (verified) or higher, and place an order on the site for more than 20 BTC.

Note that the creation of over-the-counter trading platforms is becoming quite popular among cryptocurrency exchanges. Recently, the opening of the OTC-platform, for trading on which more than 200 cryptocurrencies are available, was announced by Bittrex, and at the end of last year, the same platform was provided by the American platform Poloniex.

Recall that, according to a study by the company Diar, institutional investors have switched to a more highly liquid over-the-counter trade, preferring its physical markets to cryptocurrencies.


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