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Participant of the famous hip-hop group will take part in the promotion of ICO


One of the participants in the hip-hop group Wu-tang Clan, Ghostface Killah, seems to be connected to a venture crypto-cash company that wants to raise $ 30 million with its Cream token to finance a network of crypto-ATM ATM terminals. Ghostface Killah will assume the role of the chief branding specialist within ICO Cream, which seeks to raise $ 30 million. In a recent interview, Brett Westbrook, CEO of Cream Capital, said: Its efficiency will create a structure, thanks to which crypto-currencies will become closer to ordinary people. Both met at Reddit during a special session during which users can ask questions and communicate with a certain person, in this case it was Ghostface Killah.

Westbrook further explained:

Ghostface Killah is a longtime business partner, I personally contacted him during the Reddit session at / r / hiphopheads last year, when he was looking for technically savvy people to work in future technology-oriented projects. Today it is difficult to ignore the technology of blockade, even when you are a busy hip-hop performer who constantly steals.
The name Cream Capital comes from the song Wu Tang Clan 1993 "C.R.E.A.M", the abbreviation of which means "Cash Rules Everything Around Me" (Money rules everything around me). However, in this case, the cash in this name can be replaced with a crypto currency (cash on cryptocurrency). The ICO page, information about Cream Coin and their White Paper can be found here.

Webber detailed on the company's objectives:

By 2020, we intend to capture more than half of the global ATM market and make the currency more accessible to the general public than ever before.
Cream Capital will start selling Cream Dividend tokens next month.

The recent wave of the celebrity appearance in the crypto-currency space, from the Hollywood actress and blogger Gwyneth Paltrow to boxer Floyd Mayweather, shows the impatience and enthusiasm of the stars in an attempt to snatch off their piece of cake and encourages them to be at the forefront of this new trend.

Speaking of the latest trends, Webber said:

I personally believe that everything that crypto currency shows to ordinary people is a great thing for the markets as a whole. On the other hand, I believe that it is important that celebrities know the importance of their support and understand the basic principles of block-technology.

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