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  • Mark Zuckerberg commented on the situation around the Libra project
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Mark Zuckerberg commented on the situation around the Libra project

Mark-Zuckerberg-commented-Libra Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook founder and CEO

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg tried to dispel some public doubts that have arisen about Libra's cryptocurrency project being developed by the company.

"No company is able to create a sought-after financial system. Therefore, we only laid the foundation and hope that by the time the Libra project is launched, our association will bring together 100 co-founders, among which we will have only one vote," said Mark Zuckerberg.

Many critics believe that Libra is a closed financial system built based on the blockchain, and not a cryptocurrency in its usual sense. In addition, as reported by some of the stated partners of Facebook, they agreed to participate in the project, if they do not have to use or promote cryptocurrency.

Companies also have the right to withdraw from the project if they do not like the way it will develop. Note that none of the Facebook partners has yet made a final decision and has not transferred the required $ 10 million for the right to participate in the management of Libra.

We also recall that on July 17, the Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress will hold a hearing on the Libra cryptocurrency. 


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