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  • Karl Eckstein, Honorary Consul of Russia, proposed to create a blockchain in Crimea
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Karl Eckstein, Honorary Consul of Russia, proposed to create a blockchain in Crimea


The creation of a blockchain in Crimea would allow foreign investors to invest in projects in Crimea, says the Honorary Consul of Russia in Switzerland Karl Alexander Eckstein. Experts suggested dividing crypto-currencies according to the type of regulation. In Yalta, November 6-7, the Forum of Friends of the Crimea is held for the first time in the framework of the international conference "Russia, Crimea and Modern International Relations". At a forum in which about 90 foreign guests from almost 30 countries take part, they will establish the Association of Friends of the Crimea and will adopt an appeal-declaration on the need to restore normal relations between the Republic of Crimea and the countries of the world.

According to Eckstein, economic prosperity is important for Russia and the Crimea, against which transatlantic corporations act. He proposed to develop pedestrian tourism in the Crimea, which in Switzerland brings high incomes. For this, in his opinion, it would be possible to create restaurants on the peninsula, a short distance away from each other, with national cuisines of different peoples of Russia, so that the tourist could learn the country while walking.

Crypto currency in the near future will not be able to replace the ruble, economists said.

In addition, according to Eckstein, many foreigners consider business in the Crimea very promising and ready to invest in it, but they are hampered by sanctions.

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