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How much are the domain names with the words Bitcoin and Blockchain


The growth of Bitcoin influences many processes connected with cryptocurrency. Video card manufacturers and mining companies are not the only lucky ones who now take advantage of the take-off of Bitcoin prices. Domain names that contain the word Bitcoin in their names have also become unusually popular. Vendors ask for domains with the name of Bitcoin hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the price of individual copies is measured in millions.

 Bitcoin in public domains

The popularity of Bitcoin's brand soared along with its market capitalization. However, those wishing to purchase a memorable name for the site will have to shell out a decent amount of money. The best domains with the name Bitcoin (such as bitcoin.com or bitcoin.org) have long been occupied, and some available copies cost a lot of money. For example, the domain bitcoin.tv was estimated at $ 350,000. By the way, only two weeks ago this domain was estimated at $ 275,000 - another proof that the growth of the Bitcoin rate is dragged with everything that is somehow connected with the crypto currency.The domain name provider, Uniregister, offers people who want to enjoy their self-esteem with the popular site name of several Bitcoin-based names. Ambitious buyers, who do not dare to spend 350 thousand dollars on the domain bitcoin.tv, can acquire a name cheaper - for example, bitcoin.car at a cost of $ 2,888.

What is about Blockchain?

Blockchain has become one of this year's buzzwords for better or worse. It should come as no surprise therefore that blockchain-based names are also attracting a high premium. Anyone considering forking out the $2.75 million required to obtain blockchain.us had better have a killer app utilizing bitcoin's underlying ledger if they're to recoup their investment.

Disciples of the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto, meanwhile, may be tempted to hand over the $8,500 it will take to secure satoshitobitcoin.com. It's just a shame the URL reads so unfortunately.

Just because a domain is advertised for an exorbitant price doesn't mean there are going to be any takers. It's hard to imagine anyone coughing up the $1.5 million required for such dot-coms as cryptocurrencyoffers, cryptocurrencyhacked, or cryptocurrencyvillas.
This Bitcoin Domain Can Be Yours for $2.75 millionBitcoin might command the highest cryptocurrency market cap, but when it comes to domains, it's the second most valuable coin – ethereum – that is dominating the domain game. Anyone wishing to host their WordPress blog on ethereum.com will need to pay a cool $10 million. While that particular URL has yet to be snapped up, eth.com went for a reported $2 million back in October.
Bitcoin.casino, on the other hand, was sold for a bargain $28,000 in March. Had the seller only hodled, there's a good chance they could now have flipped that domain for several times its original price. Bitcoin's still got a long way to go before growing demand causes domains to reach record levels. The highest price ever paid for a web domain was $90 million for Lasvegas.com.

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