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As the world becomes more digital, it is rapidly changing and also becoming more decentralized. The rise of cryptocurrency, blockchain, DeFi, web 3.0 and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are contributing to that. Now, the challenge is how to make use of all these new technologies and impact society positively.
From the finance and investing perspectives, with these new technologies, there is unique chance to provide outstanding private market investment opportunities to retail investors throughout the world that, until now, only Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity (PE) funds could access, which is where the true value is generated.
TCC is a web3, BEP20 blockchain-based investment and funding platform, governed by a Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO), from which disruptive startups as well as SME businesses will raise capital, where investors will be able to access Venture Capital and Private Equity outstanding opportunities through the CONG token.
Furthermore, The TCC and CONG ecosystem is the first and only to create governance and investing features to guide and protect investors through the implementation and use of new market features and to count with the expertise of world tier-1 VC and PE industries executives to shape the way people invest their capital.