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Event Information
Event Title:
Multimedia Block chain & Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Event Date / Time:

17th Jun, 2019 10:00AM


18th Jun, 2019 8:00PM

Event Description:

Multimedia Block chain & Artificial Intelligence Technologies are changing the world and it can bring new capabilities to everything from smarter factories to drones to sports to health care and to driverless cars. 

The block chain and AI are two cornerstones of the new computing movement. In every industry technology and its application significantly change existing business models whereas at the same time making new ones.

As per the Future Market Insights report, the global market for information processing multimedia is expected to represent an incremental opportunity of US$ 37,927.6 Mn between 2016 and 2026.Reflecting a CAGR of 15% throughout the forecast period. The world AI market is projected to reach USD 35,870.0 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 57.2% from 2017 to 2025. Global block chain technology market size is predicted to achieve USD 7.59 billion by 2024.

Conference Series llc ltd mission is to enable enterprise business and technology executives to grasp how to successfully harness intelligent technologies to make competitive advantage, drive new business opportunities and accelerate innovation efforts. 5th Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia, Block chain & Artificial Intelligence Technology is a leading conference for international community of academic experts, scholars and business people in the field of Multimedia Block chain technology & Artificial Intelligence Technologies Which is held in Berlin, Germany.

We cordially invite all the participants who are interested to share their innovative ideas and research in the arena of the history, crypto currency, new technologies, and Multimedia Cloud and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence for Business, intelligence, Block chain technology, animation and Human Computer Interaction and Visualization professionals, researches and academic communities worldwide.

We are sure that the 5th Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia, Block chain Technology & Artificial Intelligence (Multimedia 2019) will be a unique opportunity for networking, get pleasure from a prime quality scientific program in the form of oral & poster presentation, workshops, symposiums, tutorial & panel discussion.

Link: Multimedia Block chain & Artificial Intelligence Technologies

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