ICOLINK - ICO Listing Directory and Blockchain Community | "Link your ICO to Success!"
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Event Information
Event Title:
Conference & Workshops Melbourne
Event Date / Time:

30th May, 2019 9:00AM


31st May, 2019 9:00PM

Event Description:

Conference & Workshops where you’ll learn everything you wanted to know about Blockchain. Ethereum in Practice: 2-day crash course in programming on blockchain, delivered in partnership with the Blockchain Centre.

This course is a universal and practical introduction to programming on Ethereum and Hyperledger platform. People who want to start their adventure with blockchain-based platforms, Smart Contract, Solidity language and tools necessary for further development of skills in this area. At the end of this course you’ll gain practical skills in programming Smart Contracts and building decentralized dApps from scratch. Nextrope’s team of experts will provide you the knowledge about the technology that is still at the very early stage of development as well as the know-how that is nowadays very sought after among programmers!

This event is brought to you in partnership with the Blockchain Centre, in the very heart of Melbourne and Australia's leading community and knowledge hubs bringing together everyone involved in the world of blockchain.

Link: Conference & Workshops Melbourne

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