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ChainTrade is the first blockchain-based platform for the trading of futures and options on food and raw materials (aka commodity derivatives). We aim to revolutionize a global market representing more than 2 trillion USD of trade per annum, by providing a decentralized platform that will be open to all, allowing small and big players to take part in the trade.
By utilizing blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and Smart Contracts (as defined below), ChainTrade’s lean and efficient platform will dramatically lower the fees in comparison to the existing commodity exchanges, making it easier and more profitable for all stakeholders to trade derivatives on food and raw materials. All traders worldwide will have equal access to the platform – no special advantages such as co-located servers or better fees for the biggest players.
ChainTrade will provide standard and well-defined processes that will make payments, clearing and settlement processes more efficient, leading to cost and fees reductions and increasing traders’ profits. KYC and AML processes will be made more efficient thanks to artificial intelligence / machine learning. Although ChainTrade is first and foremost a financial project with expectations of high profitability, our mission is also to contribute to more equal access of the world resources. With a world population set to reach 9.8 billion people by 2050, while farming lands do not expand and more and more mines are depleted, food and raw material resources are likely to become more and more limited.
In addition, fair trade and fair access to food and raw materials is not guaranteed today, as demonstrated in the aftermath of the 2007 financial crisis, when purchases made by major investors led to soaring food and raw materials prices. Even though government authorities in the US and the EU have launched initiatives to tackle this problem, the issue of unfair access to food and raw materials still exists due to the centralization of commodity exchanges and the barriers for traders to access them equally. Thanks to the blockchain technology allowing decentralization and distributed ledgers, ChainTrade wants to contribute to the solution by allowing anyone to buy and sell those fundamental products, irrespective of their country or wealth.