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The aim of the project is to construct a space elevator. A space elevator is the only unrivaled way to build spaceships, mine satellites and really access what our universe has to offer. An ICO is a perfect opportunity to start something that will be built in the nearest future, considering the newest material technology breakthroughs, advancements in robotics and the coming fusion nuclear power.
When this ICO will be known by the masses it will raise awareness around the project, the space elevator (skg) price will skyrocket and so will the interest for the human race to become an interplanetary species.
Short-term and long-term benefits
Early investors will benefit from joining the crowdfunding because the skg will double its value towards Ether in 5 months. Once the skg will be on the exchanges, the global interest will further push the value up to unforeseen levels, this will benefit long term investors as well.
Cryptos accepted: Ether