QDAO DeFi is one of the “Decentralized Finance” services that has been gaining popularity since 2017. QDAO DeFi created by "Platinum Blockchain Engineers Co Ltd" is an open source DeFi ecosystem where you can build various financial tools and services in a decentralized manner.
Сurrent QDAO DeFii ecosystem contains:
- QDAO is a DAO where "QDAO" token giving you voting and governance power
- USDQ , KRWQ, JPYQ etc >> are ERC-20 stable coins pegged to respective currencies. these stable coins are similar to DAI stable coins and backed by BITCOIN as collateral
- QBTC - is an ERC-20 token backed 1:1 by Bitcoin which is held by Verifiable Centralized Custody. QBTC brings the liquidity of Bitcoin to the Ethereum ecosystem. Users can wrap and unwrap BTC seamlessly via QDAO dapp. QBTC is similar to WBTC
- BTCQ - is an ERC-20 token backed 1:1 by Bitcoin which is held by a trustless, decentralized secure network of Q-BOX NODES. This means that the participants involved do not need to know or trust each other for the system to function. BTCQ is similar to renBTC
- QDeFi - Service made in collaboration with BTCNEXT exchange. This is a secured loan to marginal traders. You can deposit your crypto assets and get interest daily by providing liquidity for margin traders at BTCNEXT exchange.