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  • Opinion: In a few years, crypto-currencies will become a full-fledged means of payment
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Opinion: In a few years, crypto-currencies will become a full-fledged means of payment


Business consultant, member of the board of directors of the block-startup CopPay Itzhak Adizes, shared his thoughts about the future of the crypt. According to Adizes, the crypto-currencies transform the financial market in the same way that Amazon transformed retail trade. Despite the fact that nowadays crypto-currencies are mostly a speculative instrument and they have not yet become a part of the world economy, this line will gradually fade away.
Like Amazon, which allowed to make purchases without leaving home, bitcoin and other crypto-currencies will allow it to do without the participation of fiat money. For the crypto currency, the future and very many people understand this.

The creator of "Kaspersky Lab" Eugene Kaspersky, once said that in order for mankind to accept the idea of ​​a crypto currency, it will take 300 years. But the reality changes so quickly that today his words already seem absurd. Crypto-currencies are already working, and integrating them into a common system is already a matter of technology. There are already terminals and other services that allow you to make a purchase for a crypto currency with minimal losses. In this case, the seller does not even know that his goods were paid with crypto currency. On his account comes immediately fiat money. But very soon such mediators will become unnecessary.
Many countries with a strong economy, such as Japan or Switzerland, have already discerned the potential that lies in the crypto-currencies and legitimized them. The question is mainly not how to stop crypto-currencies, but how to effectively monitor them.

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