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  • Google limits the issuance of ads related to ICO and cryptocurrencies
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Google limits the issuance of ads related to ICO and cryptocurrencies


Google decided to adopt the experience of Facebook to change the advertising policy for crypto and ICO and have already begun to restrict the issuance of advertisements in AdWords, which mention products or services related to cryptocurrencies. Despite the fact that no official announcements have been received from Google, marketing firms and PR agencies report a significant decrease in the issuance of advertisements related to cryptocurrencies, ICO and projects on the blockchains.

One marketing company specializing in advertising ICO projects (asking not to be named) reported that the daily delivery to AdWords fell to zero. In an effort to find out the reasons, the company determined that their ads were in the "limited" display category.

There are also reports on the complete blocking of accounts from which advertisements of cryptocurrencies or related projects were advertised. For example, the Finnish blockchain project Lamium reported that their account in Google AdWords, with which they advertised their trading platform, was blocked. A similar case occurred with the trading platform Crypto Bot Settings. In addition, this is far from isolated cases.

An official request to Google about the reasons for this behavior of the company was answered in which any changes in official policy are denied. However, now all blocked ads and accounts to some extent refer to ICO or cryptocurrencies.

However, that is not all. Messages about the blocking of accounts and channels are also received from YouTube video sharing, which also belongs to Google. So, for example, without explanation of the reasons, one of the most famous cryptocurrency channels on YouTube - Bad Crypto Podcast was blocked. 

For queries about the reasons for blocking, the support service responds that "content violates community rules".

The most important questions that the crypto community is asking now is "why do the companies that earn on advertising become so sharply and clumsily deprive themselves of a significant share of the advertising budget?".

Most likely Facebook, Twitter, and now Google are under pressure from US and Canadian regulators. In addition, if the pressure is strong enough, then Google can decide to act globally. It is known that the company has long considered the possibility of completely blocking ads, one way or another related to crypto or ICO, although officially this information is refuted.

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