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Neironix is the first independent international rating agency for investment risk evaluation in blockchain economics, where ratings are assigned to the projects automatically on the basis of mathematical scoring results, neuron networks, and multidimensional analysis of large bulk of data. The platform is designed for analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with high degree of uncertainty.
Neironix mission is to become a global provider of financial and analytical information about cryptocurrency markets, required for making carefully weighted investment decisions and building long-term market strategies. We are the first developer of global methodology for risk-oriented investment process management in blockchain economics.
The suggested management is based on statistical analysis of large bulk of data and risk factors. The rating methodology of Neironix is based on the principles of international risk management standard ISO31000:2018(Е), and uses similar risk evaluation approaches for both professional investors and institutional funds belonging to the classic economy. Currently, standard ISO31000:2018(Е) is adopted in 88 countries with the highest GDP level, being a guide for risk management that, among other things, suggests variants of risk treatment at various stages of exposure to risk: https://www.iso.org. Neironix Project Team involves leading specialists in risk management accredited with G31000, an international organization, which is a global leader in the field of corporate risk management: http://g31000.org/.
The Institute for Strategic Risk Analysis in Decision Making acts as an external advisor in the project. In 2019, we will obtain an international copyright patent for our methodology of risk-oriented investment process management in blockchain economics that we have developed. Subsequently, this methodology will be communicated to market regulators and interested parties. Use this link to get familiar with Neironix rating methodology: https://neironix.io/