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Lendoit is a decentralized peer-to-peer lending marketplace platform which connects borrowers and lenders from all over the world in a trusted, fast and easy manner using the advantages of Smart Contracts and Blockchain technology. Loans can be given in any of the ERC20 currencies.
Lendoit Ecosystem Lendoit has developed a disruptive ecosystem, using its Smart Contracts that serve the following participants:
● Borrowers can apply for a loan using a Smart Loan Contract
● Lenders can lend to borrowers, using the Smart Loan Contract, by transferring funds to the contract
● Reputation Consumers can get information about an Ethereum address via Smart Reputation Contract for any purpose (e.g. check address before transferring tokens to it, exchanging physical assets for tokens, etc.)
● Collectors can buy the debt in a tender using the Smart Loan Contract. The Collectors that can participate in the auction must be under applicable legal requirements and regulation in the relevant jurisdiction.