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ICO KIWI DEFI Description:

ICO Description

KIWI DEFI is emerging as a project full of potential and promising breakthrough growth steps. KIWI DEFI is a TRON-based protocol ecosystem that aims to simplify user interaction with popular Defi protocols and maximize the crypto's real annual rate of return (APY) send to Defi. KIWI DEFI provides a decentralized platform for productivity farming opportunities. By combining different platforms, it helps users to optimize their productivity farming results. When the user submits tokens to the platform, they are converted into KIWI tokens.



KIWI STAKING is a staking service platform that enables crypto investors to stake their stakable PoS digital assets via a third-party service that takes care of the technical aspect of the staking process.

In the cryptocurrency world, staking refers to “locking up” a digital asset by “staking” it, agreeing to hold it in a wallet on its respective blockchain network. By agreeing to stake some or all of your holdings you are helping to ensure the blockchain the assets are staked on, operates correctly and securely. In exchange for helping to secure a blockchain network, participants who stake their coins, receive a share in the block reward in the form of newly minted coins.

Staking is an integral part of a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Proof-of-Stake requires network participants to stake the network’s native asset to achieve distributed consensus. Block rewards are attributed to stakers using a combination of random selection and the size of the stake (measured by the number of tokens) that have been provided.

We offer staking platform for the stakable assets in TRON blockchain. Staking fee depends on the value of transaction.



A swap is a derivative contract through which two parties exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments. Most swaps involve cash flows based on a notional principal amount such as a loan or bond, although the instrument can be almost anything. Usually, the principal does not change hands. Each cash flow comprises one leg of the swap.

KIWI SWAP is a sub-ecosystem in KIWI DEFI ecosystem whose main objective is to facilitate financial transactions and offer lower fees for businesses. KIWI SWAP specializes in financial services that can be done through smart contracts such as time-released payments, token locks, event release, cross-chain swaps, and other DEX solutions.

Initially, KIWI SWAP provides these services within the TRON blockchain. The high throughput on TRON has been achieved by improving the Transaction per Second (TPS) speed. The TPS on TRON is higher than that of Ethereum and Bitcoin. It helps to ensure that TRON is a practical blockchain platform for daily transactions with more than 2000 TPS

KIWI SWAP was launched with the aim of offering more features, but above all, to strengthen the security of the exchange. On the other hand, KIWI SWAP will be fully decentralized through the use of KIWISAP working nodes.



This protocol will automatically detect liquidity shortages in liquidity pools and will automatically use fast loans on TRON’s DeFi lending protocols such as Zethyr Finance, JUST through automated and integrated algorithms.

Smart coin for timely liquidity processing for liquidity pools in case of a shortage. This helps the ecosystem to be balanced and sustainable. These quick loans will automatically distribute and timely deliver to the pools



Leverage trading: sometimes referred to as margin trading (the two are often used interchangeably), leverage trading involves borrowing funds to amplify potential returns when buying and selling cryptocurrency. When you leverage trade, you can access increased buying power and may open positions that are much larger than your actual account balance.

For example, if you have an account balance of 5 BTC and you want to place a trade with leverage of 10:1, you can open a position worth 50 BTC. This means that if the market moves in your favor, you’ll be able to access 10 times the profits; however, it also has the effect of magnifying losses when the market moves against you.

KIWI LEVERAGE is a platform that enables investors to trade crypto assets with high leverage.



KIWI Fund is a decentralized venture capital fund by KIWI community. The mission KIWI Fund is generating profits from the value of KWD tokens and generating revenue streams from partner business. KIWI Fund is part of an ecosystem that uses in-house token KWD.

When investing in KIWI FUND, investors will receive benefits at the corresponding rate according to the table below.



Yield farming, also referred to as liquidity mining, is a way to generate rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. In simple terms, it means locking up cryptocurrencies and getting rewards.

In some sense, yield farming can be paralleled with staking. However, there’s a lot of complexity going on in the background. In many cases, it works with users called liquidity providers (LP) that add funds to liquidity pools. Liquidity pool is basically the smart contract that contains funds. In return for providing liquidity to the pool, LPs get a reward. That reward may come from fees generated by the underlying DeFi platform, or some other source.

KIWI FARMING is offering “liquidity mining” for liquidity providers. This means that anyone that borrows or supplies assets on KIWI will be rewarded with a proportional allocation following KIWI FARMING policy.

ICO KIWI DEFI Video Presentation:


⭐ KIWI DEFI ICO details:


KIWI DEFI ICO Start: 04 05 2021

KIWI DEFI ICO End: 04 09 2021


KIWI DEFI Platform: TRC20 - TRON network

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