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iBullSwap is the next evolution DeFi exchange on Binance smart chain. iBullSwap auto rewards to boost yields. The IBullSwap protocol adds incentives to earning tokens safely and securely for IBull Token participants by introducing revenue sharing through the classic AMM model. We provide a platform for trading, staking, farming, referrals and winning ; these concepts are being actively developed as all new features are being launched on our upcoming project shortly.
Our mission is to elevate ibull to an entirely new level and create security by providing investors with an innovative and user-friendly swap exchange that allows them to locate a new token in development and to make informed decisions about whether to invest. We use a decentralized smartchain blockchain platform to ensure everyone has equal access to financial management and security.
Educating all Holders with easy, safe and low-risk methods to gain exposure to digital assets via the decentralised blockchain. A low barrier of entry to a futuristic, advanced financial Borderless ecosystem. Function as a community driven digital asset, fully decentralized in any sense of the term. Ibullswap's goal is to support all, regardless of their financial standing.
Ibullswap allows everyone to have the decentralization experience and to seamlessly interact from their wallets with 100% ownership. 3% of the Ibullswap token sale will go to charity.