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FortKnoxster is a cyber-security company, specialized in developing secure and encrypted communication solutions. The company has developed a unique encryption platform, which is primarily aimed at the B2C market. The platform comes as an E-a-a-S solution (Encryption-as-a-Service).
FortKnoxster has been designed with a unique architecture and features, which enables everybody to use our platform for all their communications and data-storage needs. FortKnoxster addresses one of the biggest challenges in our modern society; To protect communications and data from cyber-criminals - and at the same time maintain a very high level of privacy. New complex regulations, increasing adoption of new technologies (IoT, BYOD, cloud-services etc.) have fuelled the need for enhanced security and encryption more than ever.
The new laws and regulations are very strict, and FortKnoxster offers one of the best “plug-and-play” solutions to comply with most of these new laws. FortKnoxster can be used by anyone at any time, regardless of you being on a laptop/desktop or on-the-go with your smartphone or tablet. The FortKnoxster platform has been penetration tested by a range of good (and bad) hackers and “cypherpunks” worldwide - and has “passed its exam”, as nobody has managed to compromise our platform in any way or access any end-to-end encrypted accounts or content.
“Encryption should be enabled for everything by default, not a feature you turn on only if you're doing something you consider worth protecting. Encryption is the most important privacypreserving technology we have.”