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ICO Foreground

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Foreground ICO

ICO Foreground Description:

ICO Description

Foreground is the only affiliate marketing and advertising solution that connects advertisers and publishers on both the traditional Internet and the rapidly growing decentralized web (Web 3.0). Foreground solves numerous problems in the affiliate marketing industry by making marketing simpler, cheaper, more transparent, and providing a novel way for advertisers and publishers to build reputations based on an immutable ledger of verifiable conversion data.

Our vision involves building a product that positively impacts the industry by reinstalling trust in the market for affiliate marketing, while simultaneously reducing transaction costs via disintermediation using blockchain technology.

Advertisers spend nearly seven billion dollars on affiliate marketing every year, but almost 40 percent of that spend never makes it to publishers. The cause of this is a market controlled by middle men whose incentives aren’t aligned with the interests of publishers’ and advertisers’. Networks and service providers capture too much spend, leaving advertisers struggling to see a return on their affiliate programs and publishers struggling to convert their traffic into earnings.

Foreground removes these middle men, replacing them with a system that directly connects advertisers and publishers. Our product codifies affiliate ad services directly on the blockchain in the form of smart contracts – contracts that operate without the possibility of fraud, censorship, or abuse.

Foreground revitalizes the affiliate marketing industry by making it simpler, more transparent, and more efficient. Foreground also has functionality that allows advertisers to automatically pay publishers directly from their incoming Ether transactions. This functionality is enabled by the creation of Relay Addresses that are unique to each publisher. The relay addresses look like they are normal Ethereum accounts, but they are actually contracts that have the information necessary to split incoming funds correctly between advertisers and publishers. This functionality allows Dapps, token sales, and ICOs to host affiliate programs that do an automatic revenue share with their affiliates in a decentralized way, making everyone happy.

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⭐ Foreground ICO details:

Foreground ICO ICO Details

Foreground ICO Start: 11 28 2017

Foreground ICO End: 12 19 2017

Foreground Symbol: DEAL

Foreground Platform: Ethereum

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