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Evolution is the 'hub' token of our project ecosystem. Evolution token will allow us to provide staking functions for CardanoEvo (and additional tokens in the future), encourage further investment and deliver NFT minting & market-placing. The Evolution ‘hub’ token will also provide future functionality to symbiotic tokens within our own ecosystem, by allowing staking and liquidity provision. Lastly, the Evolution ‘hub’ token will provide direct liquidity to CardanoEvo and our future symbiont tokens, thus providing long-term stability.
Evolution will deliver its own rewards in BnB, encourage further investment and deliver NFT minting & market-placing. The ‘hub’ token will also provide support to the symbiotic tokens within our own ecosystem, by allowing staking and liquidity provision. Lastly, the ‘hub’ token will provide direct liquidity support to CardanoEvo and our future symbiont tokens.
Evolution Ecosystem
The long-term Evolution project was begun in May 2021, with a strategic aim to produce an ecosystem that provides rewards to holders in several ‘Parent’ coins, as well as a swap capability to exchange between each of our Evolution reward tokens; or any other crypto currency for that matter. Our first token in the project, CardanoEvo, delivered the first rewards in Cardano, our Merchandise Store, and our first Dashboard app. More importantly, CardanoEvo established a community of Developers, Moderators & Investors with an enthusiasm to see the entire project grow and fulfil it’s potential. As the first token in our project, CardanoEvo will retain its importance, delivering rewards, maintaining the buyback governance for the eco-system and continuing as a required hold for our EvoNFT market.