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The EliteNFTs Marketplace is for NFT lovers and artists to trade NFT (non-fungible tokens), their items or images and sell them on the platform. EliteNFTs Marketplace users are able to add single or multiple items on the marketplace to sell or trade at your own discretion.
All transactions on the EliteNFTs Marketplace are conducted using the platform's ENFT token which is used as a utility token on the platform.
With our platform and ENFT tokens, investors are spared the hassle of worrying about getting in on the early action of NFTs with growth potential before they spike in value. The creations and artists on our platform will go through a thorough vetting process and algorithm to ensure that the NFTs and artists that we promote are identified as those with potential to rapidly increase in value.
ENFT token holders will own relative shares to all NFT creation promoted on our platform and in turn will benefit from NFT purchased on the EliteNFTs marketplace. This way investors who perhaps cannot or do not wish to acquire an NFT in its entirety can invest any desired amount and acquire shares in said NFT for passive income.