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The next Geneva Blockchain Congress will take place on January 20th.


This will encompass a vast array of topical questions and debates, and is a must for anyone involved in the world of Blockchain. It is no coincidence that the Congress is being held in Geneva. Dedicated to advancing the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the city of Geneva promotes high-quality education, decent work conditions, economic growth, responsible consumption and healthy and robust institutions. Not only are these elements of society continuously evolving, but each one of them is hugely affected by innovative technological developments.


The Geneva Blockchain Congress is proud to unveil a first glimpse of the second edition of the largest blockchain event in Switzerland.


These morning sessions will be a world premiere by uniting many renowned scientists and public figures together with blockchain experienced business professionals and entrepreneurs. This will be particularly true and relevant considering Geneva’s geographical position in the centre of Europe, appreciating its major geopolitical role in the hosting of numerous non-governmental international organizations and its respected place as an international financial centre, already for private banking and commodity trading alone.


The programme will be in constant evolution until beginning of December 2019.


Our main keynote speakers and companies already confirmed are:

  • The Blockchain Research Institute, with special guest Don Tapscott back in the 2nd edition of the Congress for a world premiere announcement, before his participation to the World Economic Forum in Davos. Emphasis will be placed by Don on why Geneva and Switzerland will undoubtedly play a key role in Deep Tech Technologies
  • WTO Senior Blockchain Expert Emmanuelle Ganne, about the impact of DLTs in international trade regulations and supply chain
  • WISeKey, with CEO Carlos Moreira talking about cybersecurity on Deep Tech, IoT and blockchain
  • Libra Association / Calibra special guest, with a panel around the millennials and ethics, the question of generation in blockchain ethics and the emergence of fully asset-backed cryptographic means of payment
  • The United Nations with a special guest to talk about how the governance of blockchain applications should be drafted
  • Chosen Swiss public (Federal) figures and confirmed Swiss and international business leaders to speak about the expansion of cryptographic assets and the new investment opportunities thereof
  • Chosen Swiss legal experts as to why Switzerland is a very interesting choice for developing DLT-based applications and businesses.
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