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DC Blockchain Summit 2020

Event Information
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Celebrating 5 years of Blockchain Advocacy

The Chamber of Digital Commerce’s annual in-person gathering, held in partnership with Georgetown University’s Center for Financial Markets and Policy.


Discussion Topics

Evolution of the Digital Asset Securities Markets – What’s On the Horizon?

After several years and numerous regulatory actions, the path forward for tokens remains murky as industry and regulators seek to balance the opportunities and challenges they present. Building off the work of the Chamber of Digital Commerce’s Token Alliance and discussions across the blockchain ecosystem, our expert panelists will delve into the business frameworks that are emerging in the token industry, as well as legal and regulatory challenges that now exist.


The Future of Money


Central banks around the world are exploring issuing fiat on the blockchain. Private companies are issuing many different types of stablecoins. Commercial banks (incuding Signature Bank, Wells Fargo, JPM) are issuing tokens too. How is the financial and monetary system evolving with the introduction of this technology.


The U.S. Strategy to Promote Blockchain Technology


Countries around the world have understood the power of blockchain technology and are actively working to promote its growth. The United States has responded with questions on how to regulate it. How do we achieve a healthy balance of promoting innovation with light-touch guardrails? Would the internet have survived in the U.S. with the current American perspective?


Token Jurisdiction: Deep Dive into SEC and CFTC Oversight


Discussion about the future of regualtory oversight for the spot markets and digital tokens. How should the agencies settle the question of what is a security, and what is not?


Brave New World – How Industry Is Addressing New FATF Requirements Requiring Global Cooperation


Discussion about the new FATF Framework almost one year later, how industry is responding from governance and technological approach, and the unique environment in the U.S. around the Funds travel and transfer rules which may not be in place globally.

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