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ICO Columbus

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4.71 (1 ICO reviews)

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Columbus ICO

ICO Columbus Description:

ICO Description

The Columbus project looks to solve problems associated with Decentralized Finance and provide users with a seamless and frictionless ecosystem where they can access various financial opportunities. The Columbus ecosystem simplifies finance and gives the users simple platforms where they can easily enjoy the fruits of DeFi.


For any financial system to work, it has to have a trust model. What this basically means is that for someone to accept something as payment, they have to have trust in that object or commodity. Gold was the perfect commodity to instill trust with the people, which is why pre-1971 currencies were backed by gold. But, in 1971, when US President Richard Nixon suspended the Gold Standard, this system of currencies being pegged to the value of Gold was no longer valid. This gave birth to Fiat Currencies. Fiat currencies are not backed by Gold, in fact, they are not backed by any commodity. The reason that Fiat has value is that the Government orders it to be
valuable. It is legal tender. This gave Governments almost unlimited power over money, and in turn, the financial system.

The problem with a centralized financial system is that all of the powers are vested with a single authority or group of authorities. They control the system and can make changes as they please. The economy depends on the decisions of policymakers. The problem with a centralized financial system is that all of the powers are vested with a single authority or group of authorities. They control the system and can make changes as they please. The economy depends on the decisions of policymakers. One of the other major problems, the most
significant problem that Columbus plans to solve, is access to basic financial services. There is a large portion of the population in third-world countries of continents such as South America, Africa, and Asia that are unbanked. The word unbanked means that these people are not in the banking system. They do not have bank accounts or have access to basic financial services such as loans, interest income, etc. This concentrates wealth and opportunities with only a smaller portion of the population.

Decentralized Finance came as a solution to this problem, allowing people to connect with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion and access various financial functions. 

1- Decentralized Exchange :
Users can swap their BEP-20 standard crypto  tokens on the Voyager DEX by connecting their web3 wallets with the Binance Smart Chain network enabled. The platform works similar to familiar DEXs such as PancakeSwap and Uniswap.

2- Liquidity Mining;
 Users can add liquidity to existing token pairs in the liquidity pool and earn passive income. They can also add their own tokens and create token pairs and list their own crypto tokens for their projects. Each liquidity provider will be given Voyager LPs when they
stake their tokens. They can redeem these tokens whenever they want by unstaking.

3- DEX Aggregation Voyager:
 DEX is also a DEX aggregator that crawls across various DEXs on the BSC network and provides users with the best value for their trades. Even if sufficient liquidity is not found in the Voyager liquidity pools, the users can still swap their tokens.

4- Sailor Farms:
Sailor Farms further incentivizes users for providing liquidity to Columbus Token (CBS) pairs, as well as other token pairs. Users can stake their Pancakeswap LP tokens on the Sailor Farms and earn a high-APR yield.
• Users can farm using CBS LP tokens without any deposit or
 withdrawal fees.
• All other token pairs carry a deposit fee of 5%.
• Half of the deposit fee (2.5%) will be sent to the Columbus
 marketing wallet while half will be burned forever.

5- Treasure Chest:
The treasure chest is a staking pool where users can stake their crypto assets and moderate-APR yield. New crypto projects can also apply for
Treasure Chest and host their own token in the pool. The CBS token pool will provide the most yield and will support a manual compounding function that will exponentially increase the yield generated.
• Users can stake their CBS tokens without any deposit or
 withdrawal fees.
• All other pools will carry a deposit fee of 2%.
• Half of the deposit fee (1%) will be sent to the Columbus
 marketing wallet while the other half will be burned forever.

6- Trotter’s Market (NFT Marketplace):
The Trotter’s Market is a completely community-driven NFT trading and auction marketplace where users can simply connect their crypto wallets and trade NFTs. Columbus Ecosystem  has included a voting system where CBS holders can not only vote on different aspects of the platform but also vote on each NFT listing. The votes and reviews on the listing are caught by the algorithm, similar to how social media platforms measure user engagement and promote these NFTs to the homepage.
We believe that NFTs on a mainstream platform should not be limited to just a few big players in the business. Whether you are a professional
artist or a budding artist looking to earn through their artworks, Trotter’s Market lets you sell and auction your NFTs seamlessly. This whole process is governed by smart contracts meaning that it is completely decentralized. Once a user buys an NFT for the artist’s listing page, the amount automatically gets added to the artist’s account balance and they can claim their rewards directly to their web3 wallet.
Users can sell NFT collections such as trading cards, collectibles, and comic books/graphic novels on the platform. This feature is especially useful for comic artists looking to publish their books or comic strips and earn with their work.
• Users can only Buy or Bid on NFT listings using the Columbus
• Once the user makes a payment, the artist automatically
 receives the Columbus tokens in their account’s wallet, after
 platform fee deductions.
• Artists can claim these tokens directly to their connected
 web3 wallets.

7- Columbus Wallet
The Columbus Wallet is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet that lets you hold and transfer cryptocurrencies from different blockchains.
Additionally, the wallet is a single access point for users to access various Decentralized Applications (DeFi), and crypto-based financial functions without having to rely on multiple applications. The Columbus wallet lets users access a variety of DeFi services, including that of the Voyager DEX platform. Users can easily download the Columbus Wallet on the respective mobile platform app stores and install them on various mobile devices.

The wallet uses a seed phrase consisting of 24 random words to secure the user’s wallet account. Users can save this seed phrase and easily recover access to their crypto wallet account in case of device failure or change. They can also import their accounts on other cryptocurrency wallets such as Metamask, Binance Smart Chain Wallet, and Trust Wallet by entering their seed phrase and easily access their cryptocurrencies on those wallets. Users can also export their private keys in the wallet settings. Users can additionally enable a 2-Factor Authentication system in the settings to keep their assets completely secure.

Users can easily Send/Receive tokens from all the supported blockchain networks by clicking on the token and hitting Send/Receive.  They can enter the recipient's wallet address or scan their QR code to transfer tokens immediately. Users can also display their QR codes for easy token transfer, and export their QR codes as a merchant standee template. This allows merchants to accept crypto payments just as they would with any fiat money wallet.

With the Columbus Wallet, you can easily access Voyager DEX’s yield farms and generate passive income without needing to have good technical know-how. They can provide liquidity, stake/unstake their PancakeSwap LP tokens, and harvest their earnings easily inside the wallet.


⭐ Columbus ICO details:

Columbus ICO ICO Details

Columbus ICO Start: 09 20 2021

Columbus ICO End: 10 20 2021

Columbus Symbol: CBS

Columbus Platform: Binance Smart Chain

Columbus Offering Type: ICO

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