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ClickGem Project is part of global payment revolution! With the mission to build a multi-currency ecosystem, ClickGem Project has been developing a core payment system with a lot of utility applications suitable for cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
By supporting both cryptocurrency and fiat currency in an ecosystem which includes a currency cross-exchange system and all applications that helping to solve many needs in the real life, the ClickGem Project will:
People with no knowledge about cryptocurrencies are still not ready to use them, will start using ClickGem utilities with fiat currencies, and gradually switch to cryptocurrencies. In addition, this is also an optimum solution to blur the border between cryptocurrency and fiat currency, using the popularity and the liquidity of the whole system to build a new global payment system and contribute to the revolution of the current global payment system.
The ClickGem core payment system is a new groundbreaking and frictionless payment system which can support the pay-and-receive payment process through multiple currencies, including cryptocurrencies, support exchanging currency instantly with the lowest exchange rate from the market and just 0.2% transaction fee. Our aim is creating a new cross-border payment solution that can solve all the current payment methods issues, and will surpass all other payment systems (PayPal, Visa, etc…). Furthermore purchases will be easier, simpler, instant with minimal cost.
The ClickGem Project is designed as an open platform to facilitate the process of purchases by integrating and supporting transactions between most major fiat currencies and all cryptocurrencies through APIs. More fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies will be continually added along the way.
The team is continuously developing new platform APIs, f.ex. to integrate ClickGem currency cross-exchange system with other external exchanges in order to optimize liquidity during exchanging currencies for the payment, apart from the already existing API which allows for integration with all today's e-commerce platforms, all B2B/B2C platforms, all applications for accepting payments online, and any software for collecting payments at local stores, supermarkets, etc...
ClickGem can collaborate with all kinds of businesses and all service providers to build ClickGem’s ecosystem and its network to any place, access all markets in the world. This way ClickGem will grow fast and its scalability is unlimited.