babyX - Our mission is to return the blue bird to its place! Hello! They are trying to convince us that X is better. We disagree. Let's get the blue bird back! Our community will be able to show the world that we are against rebranding on Twitter and we will be able to show Elon Musk our position!
We are not alone! There are many of us! babyX was created in order to connect all the members of our community in one space.
Meme generator
Create your meme in a matter of seconds with the help of our service, which uses the latest developments in generating images using AI
Real-time deep fake service
Prank your friends, create a funny video, posted on social networks in one click
Promoting your creativity
The service will help you place and select the necessary content immediately in the most popular social networks
NFT Generator
Generating NFT using AI. Now it will become easier and faster to come up with content.