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ANGENIUM is a unique project of the efficiently extract ofnoble and rare metals, silicon oxides, aluminum and iron from man-caused waste. We recycle waste, saving the environment from pollution. From the mass of waste, we get a product of high cost. This becomes possible because of the use of a unique sorbent that extracts precious metals with maximum selectivity and is suitable for all types of waste. Today, this technology is absent at the market and has no analogues.
The funds collected at the ICO are used to build awaste treatment plant with the subsequent extraction of high-purity (99.9%)oxides of silicon, aluminum, iron and precious metals. The technologyis based on fluoridation and the use of a one-of-a-kind universal sorbent,which is tens of times cheaper than imported analogues
The purity of product is 99.9%, the degree of dispersion is from tens of nanometers to microns. The selectivity of the sorbent is 95%, its universality for all precious metals. Resumption and reuse of the main reagents during processing
Placement and replication of production in any country and region of the world. Ready solutions with a capacity from 5 000 to 1 000 000 tons per year for the processing of ash and pyrite cinders. Adaptation of technologies for various types of waste (SDW, TKO, etc.). Franchise. Ready-made business “on a ready-to-operate basis”
We recycle waste, saving the environment from pollution. From the mass of waste, we get a product of high cost. This becomes possible because of the use of a unique sorbent that extracts precious metals with maximum selectivity and is suitable for all types of waste. Today, this technology is absent at the market and has no analogues.
All existing technologies in the world for the processing of ash and slag wastes and pyrite cinders are tied to mechanical processing. But no one and nowhere in the world extracts the silicon dioxide (SiO2), alumina (AI203) and iron oxide (red pigment Fe203) from ash dumps with a purity of 99.9% and a dispersion of 10 hM, which is possible only by chemical processing. Similarly, incidentally, with the help of a unique organic sorbent, noble and rare metals are extracted, while their extraction with similar foreign sorbents is practically not cost-effective.