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David Schwartz: XRP's Potential as a Global Reserve Currency

David-Schwartz-XRP-a-Global-Reserve-Currency David Schwartz - Ripple CTO

Ripple CTO David Schwartz's perspective on XRP's role as a potential global reserve currency

Sendi Young: Ripple Expands Presence in the UK and Ireland

Sendi-Young-Ripple-Expands-Presence-in-the-UK-and-Ireland Sendi Young - Managing Director of Ripple Europe

Ripple's Expansion in UK & Ireland: Fueling Exponential Growth | Ripple Europe's Licensing Move

John Deaton: Impact of the Securities Clarity Act on SEC Supervision

John Deaton: Impact of the Securities Clarity Act on SEC Supervision John Deaton - lawyer

Navigating the Crypto Industry: How the Securities Clarity Act Ensures Protection from the SEC

Michael Novogratz Predicted Impact of U.S. Interest Rate Cuts on Cryptocurrency Value

Michael-Novogratz-Cryptocurrency-Valu_20230911-081018_1 Michael Novogratz - CEO of Galaxy Digital

The Impact of Lowering Interest Rates on Cryptocurrency Value: Michael Novogratz's Analysis

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse: XRP plans to move from the USA

Brad Garlinghouse - XRP plans to move from the USA Brad Garlinghouse - Ripple CEO

Ripple CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, Plans to Move from the US if SEC Lawsuit Fails

Binance transferred Bitcoins for $ 1.26 billion with a commission of $ 124.6

Binance-transferred-Bitcoins-for--1-26-billion Binance transferred Bitcoins for $ 1.26 billion with a commission of $ 124.6

The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance has transferred Bitcoins worth $ 1.26 billion from one wallet to another. The amount of commissions was only $ 124.6.

Research: almost 47% of users prefer Bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies

47-of-users-prefer-Bitcoin Research: almost 47% of users prefer Bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies

According to a study conducted by the Value Walk news website, 46.7% of users prefer to invest in Bitcoin, rather than other cryptocurrencies.

As part of the survey, respondents were asked a few questions. When answering the question "What is your favorite coin?" 46.7% chose Bitcoin, 31.4% - Ethereum, and 21% - Ripple.

Jamie Dimon: “Over time, JPM Coin will be available for a wide number of consumers.”

Jamie-Dimon-JPM-Coin-will-be-available-for-consumers Jamie Dimon | Head of JPMorgan

The head of JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, said that JPM Coin, which was recently announced by the bank, will become available to the general consumer.

"JP Morgan Coin could be internal, could be commercial, it could one day be consumer," Dimon quotes the CNBC.

Weiss Ratings: in 2019, the price of Bitcoin will reach a record maximum

Weiss-Ratings-Bitcoin-will-reach-a-record-maximum Weiss Ratings: in 2019, the price of Bitcoin will reach a record maximum

With the advent of the New Year, a large number of forecasts regarding cryptocurrency rates appeared. Last year, many forecasts did not take into account the "bearish" trend, which dominated the market throughout 2018 and led to a fall in Bitcoin price by more than 80%. The beginning of this year was marked by the forecast rate of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, published by the independent agency Weiss Ratings.

According to the Weiss Ratings forecast, 2019 foreshadows the growth of Bitcoin popularity. The international rating agency expects that more and more people will consider cryptocurrency as a store of value, and Bitcoin will finally become stronger in its status of digital gold.

Ripple CEO: regulation will help the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain

ICO-NEWS-adoption-of-cryptocurrency-and-blockchain Brad Garlinghouse | Ripple CEO

At a meeting with the Deputy General Counsel of the International Monetary Fund Ross Leckow, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse expressed the opinion that universal regulation would spur Bitcoin and blockchain adoption. The meeting was held as part of the Fintech Festival in Singapore.

"Regulatory clarity has a huge ability to drive digital asset and blockchain adoption. It is surprising how many markets still have uncertainty," said Garlinghouse.Enter heading here...

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