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ICO Tycoon

Trading and Investing ICO List Category

4.60 (5 ICO reviews)

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Tycoon ICO

ICO Tycoon Description:

ICO Description

Tycoon serves as a secured interface between professional traders and end users. All activities of the traders are monitored via a secured API connection in real time and can be copied to a follower's portfolio automatically. Each user manages his own investments at his preferred exchange, being able to access his portfolio at any time.


The followers can freely assign a part of their volume to each selected trader and set an individual stop loss. Selecting multiple traders allows for diversifying investments to optimize your portfolio management.


Tycoon - the first Social Trading platform developed by Professional Traders. If you read this then you have probably been for the lookout for a Social Trading platform that is focussed on Crypto. And you probably have tried some solutions that did not satisfy you. That is exactly where Tycoon is coming from.


As Professional Traders the founders of this project have evaluated all available Social Trading Platforms for personal use, but were unable to find a solution that has been developed with the Trader in mind. Most of the existing solutions do not meet the needs of Professional Traders. As a result there is weak adoption and limited use for Retail Traders. Our aim is to entirely change this game

ICO Tycoon Video Presentation:


⭐ Tycoon ICO details:

Tycoon ICO ICO Details

Tycoon ICO Start: 11 01 2019

Tycoon ICO End: 11 30 2019

Tycoon Symbol: TYC

Tycoon Platform: Ethereum

Tycoon PreICO Start: 2019-07-22

Tycoon PreICO End: 2019-10-31

Tycoon Offering Type: ICO

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